Kinois is a business with two employees in Hofu City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan that develops IT business, mainly on the Web. We develop multiple web services and websites, and also develop and dist...

WebPass + hitois roadmap - The infrastructure of the near future is just around the corner

WebPass + hitoisのロードマップ - 近未来のインフラがすぐそこに

WebPass guarantees that the posting user is the same - It does not handle personal information

WebPassは投稿ユーザーが同一であることを保証するもの - 個人情報を扱うものではありません

Public WebPass, Private SNS - WebPass does not encroach on private SNS

パブリックなWebPass、プライベートなSNS - WebPassはプライベートSNSを侵食しません

Private communities and public communities - It is necessary to use properly as in the real world

プライベートなコミュニティとパブリックなコミュニティ - 現実世界と同様に使い分けが必要

Posts become materials for loan decisions - Opportunities for young people with no track record

Web where you can find people - The most important web role yet to be realized