
IT企業でプロジェクトマネージャーとして働く後藤悟志です。大学では情報工学を専攻し、大学卒業後の2005年よりシステムエンジニアとして働き始めました。仕事を通じて多くの経験を積み、現在はチームをリードすることにやりがいを感じています。 趣味は読書で、特にビジネス書を好んで読みます。新しい知識を得ることが好きで、若者に負けないよう常に自己成長を目指しています。また、お酒を楽しむことや家族旅行も大好き...

Primary role

Systems Engineer

Years of experience

10 years or more

Following roles

Following roles is not registered yet.

Job hunting status

Closed to offers

Desired employment status

Full-time Employee


Skills are not registered yet.

Culture needs
What to expect in your next jobYour expectations for your next job have not been registered yet.
Desired work styleAttention to detail and accuracy
Desired communication styleMake use of good talking skills
Desired career pathBe specialist
Desired role on teamLeader
Desired taking on work styleCreate my own work
Desired progression styleWork together as a team
Desired training cultureGrow Independently
Desired decision cultureRational
Desired orientation cultureInnovative
Desired management cultureEmpowerment
Desired evaluation cultureResults based
Desired workplace cultureBusinesslike

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Unset items
- Profile image
- Position
- Biography
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